• What is ADR?

    Posted by:

    Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a collection of informal methods used to resolve disputes that might arise in
    an IEP meeting, through a positive and cooperative process.

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  • Why would I choose ADR?

    Posted by:

    It is free, timely and effective.  The ADR Process keeps the decision-making in the hands of parents and district staff which helps preserve important relationships.  Parents who negotiate their own resolutions have more control over the outcome of a dispute and are generally more satisfied with the solution.  

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  • How does it differ from an IEP meeting?

    Posted by:

    An ADR session addresses only those areas where there is a difference of opinion or concern. 

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  • How do I initate the process?

    Posted by:

    A parent or school site personnel can contact Special Services to discuss how to proceed.  The next step may be a Special Service Support Session, Facilitated IEP Meeting or a Family Collaborative Conference. 

    Click here to submit a request -


    Call Special Services - (909)820-7700; Ext. 2372

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  • What should I do to prepare?

    Posted by:

    Bring ideas!  Be prepared to discuss and explore creative solutions and to focus on positive student outcomes. 

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  • Who are the people involved in an ADR session?

    Posted by:

    Parents and a Special Services Team Member.

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  • Do I need to bring a lawyer or advocate with me?

    Posted by:

    ADR promotes open communication between parents and districts. While unnecessary, you can choose to bring
    anyone to support you.

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  • Is an ADR agreement confidential?

    Posted by:

    Yes!  However, some parts of an ADR agreement may need to be shared with others in order for it to be appropriately implemented.  This is clarified when a specific agreement is reached. 

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  • Am I obligated by the ADR process?

    Posted by:

    No, an ADR session is not binding.  If you participate in an ADR activity and your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you still have the right to request an IEP Team Meeting, mediation only or a Due Process Hearing. 

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